Sunday, July 08, 2007


1,000 Films to See Before You Die

I am as OCD as anyone when it comes to making lists and organizing things. I'm sure most of you think, great not another greatest film list. But for some reason I really like this list that The Guardian put out. This is probably due to its British leaning. There are actually a number of film on the list that I have never heard of, such as: Asya's Happiness, Made in Britain & Wise Blood to name a few.

As with any list there are a number of specific films to argue about. But the goal is to open up new avenues of films to see. The AFI 100 is no use to me since I've seen 99 of the 100. And so what it The Godfather Part II didn't make the cut. I've seen it and it's been on enough lists already.

So I counted up the films I've seen and the grand total finished at 647. Since there are 999 records in this list (I won't say films since the 3 Lord of The Rings are 1 entry) that leaves 352 for me to work through. I think I will actually put a concerted effort into this. Plus it will give me something to write about as I work through the list.

If you want to do this yourself here are the links:

Link to The Guardian home page on the films:

A list of the films with director and year for reference (this pdf is 7 pages)

A list of all the info with summaries from The Guardian web site (59 pages)

An excel file with the columns for the films, director & year in separate columns to sort and a column to add up films you've seen.


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