Thursday, October 01, 2009


I hate my doctor's office.

My doctor was in a practice with a number of doctors. He moved early this year but I never bothered to move my records. So back in July when I had shingles I stayed at the same practice and saw my parent’s doctor who was still there. I was not thrilled with him and have was going to transfer my records but wanted to make it through my recheck in November for my blood sugar checkup. But the last couple of days have pushed me over the edge.

My company requires use to see out doctor with basic tests to receive a discount on our insurance premium for 2010. We had to have this done by yesterday. So I called his office Tuesday and after dealing with voice mail hell, on hole for over ten minutes I finally got a call back. I explained I had the tests done in July and could I just bring the sheet in and get signed. The doctor’s assistant said I had to make a appointment so I made one for 9:40 with the same nurse practitioner I saw in July.

To even piss me off more, when I told a co-worker I would because of a doctor visit he laughed that he just faxed his to his doctor and they faxed it back.

Well at 9:55 I was called in (they beat my 10:00am over/under). I handed her the form and after reading it over she said that I didn’t need an appointment and could have just gotten it signed. She signed and dated it for the July visit, walked me to the front and said I didn’t need a visit. Had them tear up the insurance form and returned my co-pay.

So all I was out was my time and frustration. At least I had a good book to read while waiting.

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